Dr. David Marshall

Lehrbeauftragter für Anglikanische Theologie

Institut für Christkatholische Theologie

+41 31 351 03 43
Universität Bern
Theologische Fakultät
Institut für Christkatholische Theologie
Länggassstrasse 51
CH-3012 Bern
Nach Vereinbarung
Seit 2021
 Lecturer for anglican theology, University of Bern, Switzerland

Programme Executive, Interreligious Dialogue & Cooperation, World Council of Churches

 2013-2016 Director of the Anglican Episcopal House of Studies and Associate Research Professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations, Duke Divinity School, NC, USA
 Seit 2009  Academic Director of the Building Bridges Seminar & Research Fellow, Berkley Center, Georgetown University, Washington DC

Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury


Tutor, St Paul’s United Theological College, Limuru, Kenya


Chaplain, Exeter College, Oxford


Doctoral research (Islamic Studies), Birmingham University


Parish work, Leeds


Theological studies at Oxford University

  • Islamic Studies, especially: Qur’an; Qur’an and Bible; modern interpretation of the Qur’an; debates within contemporary Islam
  • Christian theology, especially in relation to Judaism and Islam
  • Christian-Muslim dialogue, especially with a theological focus (see especially the Building Bridges Seminar: https://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/projects/the-building-bridges-seminar)
  • Karl Barth
  • Anglicanism


(Siehe auch https://unibe-ch.academia.edu/DavidMarshall)

  • ‘Muslims and Secularism: Some Contributions to the Debate’ forthcoming in volume in honour of Christian Troll SJ
  • ‘Christian Theological Engagement with Islam: A Survey of Recent Publications’, forthcoming in Current Dialogue (WCC), December 2021
  • ‘The World Council of Churches and the Theology of Christian-Jewish Relations,’ Current Dialogue (WCC), December 2020
  • ‘Scripture Talking about Itself: the Self-referentiality of the Qur’an and Christian-Muslim Dialogue’, in Peter Casarella and Gabriel Said Reynolds (eds), The Whole Is Greater than Its Parts: Encountering the Interreligious and Ecumenical Other in the Age of Pope Francis (Crossroad, New York, 2020), 259-280.
  • ‘Mercy in Christian and Muslim Perspective’ in Valentino Cottini, Felix Körner, and Diego R. Sarrió Cucarella (eds), RAḤMA: Muslim and Christian Studies in MERCY (PISAI, Rome, 2018), 178-185
  • ‘Dialogue, Proclamation and the Growth of the Church in Religiously Diverse Societies’ in David Goodhew (ed.), Towards a Theology of Church Growth (Ashgate, 2015), with William Glass
  • ‘Roman Catholic Approaches to the Qur’an since Vatican II’ (Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 25:1 (2014)
  • ‘Muhammad in Contemporary Christian Theological Reflection’ (Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 24:2 (2013)
  • ‘Intelligence, humility and confidence: an agenda for Christian engagement with Islam’ in Christopher Hewer and Christian Troll (eds), Christian Lives Given to the Study of Islam (Fordham University Press, 2012)Learning from How Muslims See Christianity (Grove Booklets, 2006)
  • ‘Heavenly Religion or Unbelief? Muslim Perspectives on Christianity’ in Anvil 23:2 (2006)
  • ‘Christianity in the Qur’an’ in Islamic Interpretations of Christianity, ed. Lloyd Ridgeon (Curzon, 2001)
  • God, Muhammad and the Unbelievers: a Qur’anic Study (Curzon, 1999)
  • ‘The Resurrection of Jesus and the Qur’an’ in Resurrection Reconsidered, ed. Gavin D’Costa (Oneworld, 1996)


  • Dialogue and Difference: Clarity in Christian-Muslim Relations (translation of Christian Troll SJ, Unterscheiden um zu klären: Orientierung im christlich-islamisch Dialog (Orbis, 2009)
  • Muslims Ask, Christians Answer (translation of Christian Troll SJ, Muslime fragen, Christen antworten) (Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 2005)

Edited volumes

  • Power, Divine and Human: Christian and Muslim Perspectives (Georgetown, 2019), co-edited with Lucinda Mosher
  • Monotheism and Its Complexities: Christian and Muslim Perspectives (Georgetown, 2018), co-edited with Lucinda Mosher
  • God’s Creativity and Human Action: Christian and Muslim Perspectives (Georgetown, 2017), co-edited with Lucinda Mosher
  • Sin, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation: Christian and Muslim Perspectives (Georgetown, 2016), co-edited with Lucinda Mosher
  • The Community of Believers: Christian and Muslim Perspectives (Georgetown, 2015), co-edited with Lucinda Mosher
  • Death, Resurrection, and Human Destiny: Christian and Muslim Perspectives (Georgetown, 2014), co-edited with Lucinda Mosher
  • Prayer: Christian and Muslim Perspectives (Georgetown, 2013), co-edited with Lucinda Mosher
  • Tradition and Modernity: Christian and Muslim Perspectives (Georgetown, 2013)
  • Science and Religion: Christian and Muslim Perspectives (Georgetown, 2012)
  • Communicating the Word: Revelation, Translation, and Interpretation in Christianity and Islam (Georgetown, 2011)
  • Humanity: Texts and Contexts: Christian and Muslim Perspectives (Georgetown, 2011), co-edited with Michael Ipgrave
